Category Archives: General

More art imitates life

Headware memory!

Posted in General, Glass Shadows, Setting

Art imitates life

Looks like our Megacity is probably closer to reality than we thought:

Posted in General, Glass Shadows, Setting

Unveiling Covers Part 4: The Big Reveal

And finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for!! This is the full cover image, drawn by Eric Lofgren, and the logo designed by Mark Quire. In the background, you can see the towering block of the Manhattan Arcology, or ManArc. The spires that top it are home to the rich elite.  Bastian and Gillian […]

Posted in cover, General

Unveiling Covers Part 3: Bastian

Meet Bastian McKirk, a mercenary BattleFrame pilot, and his Godalming Arms GA-27 Doberman Anti-armor BattleFrame.  While Bastian is a fortress and a killing machine while he’s Synced with his BattleFrame.  Outside of it, he still knows how to use a gun.  

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Unveiling Covers Part 2: Gillian

Time for the next piece of the cover pie. Meet Gillian, a retired corporate solider and drifter. Gillian’s training has left her with a diverse skill set and a fondness for energy rifles. Next week we introduce Bastian.

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Unveiling Covers Part 1: The Title Card

The cover is in and it is awesome! Now we’re going to have a bit of fun. We start with the title card. Next week we reveal Gillian, one of our signature characters who made it to the cover.

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